Monday, July 26, 2010

The KANO model… so good for User Experience

Must Have ( “Basic needs”)
These basic requirements are not always expressed but they are obvious to the customer and must be met.  If you don’t do it, “you’re dead !”
These requirements are not a source of satisfaction but can cause major disappointment.  They’re not the priority in term of development but must be there the D day.
E.g. brakes of a car; a bed in a hotel room …

Performance needs (”Linear”)
The need is expressed and customer satisfaction is proportional to the level of performance (and quality) of what is implementedIt is a strong source of customer satisfaction and a priority for Development.
It must be shown as soon as possible to the Users.
User feedback on these functions is crucial.

Delighters ( “exciters “)
These requirements are not necessarily expressed.  Sometimes they’re unconscious. 
This is the happy surprise that can make a difference, and an important source of satisfaction. If not there, no dissatisfaction, no frustration: they’re not expected.
Thus  in terms of development, they are usually not a priority, except if it is your product or firm strategy.
E.g. The glass of champagne when you arrive at the restaurant, the wifi on the plane or in your hotel room, the mobile touch screen…
Exciters are the keys to Innovation.

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